Forage Management


Rotational Grazing

USDA - Rotational Grazing

It isn’t a one size fits all management system and the rate of rotation and pasture size will be determined by a huge number of factors (stocking rate, weather, water sources, labour, etc)


Management Intensive Grazing (MIG)

Woody Lane - YouTube Video

A bit of an arbitrary distinction in my opinion, but MIG is supposed to indicate a strategy where making pasture rotation decisions on forage availability and not sticking to a strict 1 or 2 week rotation.



NRCS - Stockpile Forages

Though nonrealistic to eliminate all hay supplementation our goal is to limit the amount of hay that we need to feed each season and reduce this little by little every year.


True Cost of Making Hay

KERR Center - Cost of Hay

VT - Hay vs Stockpile

Iowa Beef - Out of the Hay Business

Hay can often be purchased cheaper than produced - especially on smaller operations. Keep in mind goats and sheep need high quality hay - higher often than that being sold around WV.