Selective Breeding

Clink on the links below to find some information about selective breeding and the tools that can aid you in this process. We keep detailed records on all animals enabling us to determine production and costs for each animal. Our goal is not the biggest or fastest growing animal but the most sustainable and profitable for our system.

On the sheep side we have some animals in the NSIP system. These animals often rank nationally in maternal and parasite resistance metrics.

We cull with a heavy hand especially on sires. With replacements being kept from only the top 5-10% of candidates based off of growth and parasite metrics. If an operation is keeping a majority of males for breeding they have stopped trying to progress their genetics and are selling their average animals for breeding sires.

There is a lot involved in selecting the right livestock for your operation and then managing them. Penn State has a website which has several articles which may proven valuable to the novice or seasoned shepherd.

“Set your goals. Set goals that you can reach. When you reach those. Don’t stop. Don’t ever think your cattle are the best. One thing we are short on these days is honesty. Be honest with yourself and the cattle you have. Be honest by your customers.”

– Bill Howell”